Core Services
Janice Bates is a subject matter expert for public health nursing who recognizes problems and shapes solutions for those problems. The need for problem solvers worldwide has never been greater. The myriad of health crises and the situations that people face almost daily provide opportunities and challenges across the globe.
Janice works with CineCrown for film production in health education. Their experience both on the date of filming and during post production has proven the company awesome to work with. Martin Vo has an appreciation for the value of great creative and outstanding production values, while also recognizing the importance of delivering value for money solutions. The outcome is always outstanding with Martin Vo as the Creative Director.
Janice Bates may be contacted to speak about infectious diseases in your community. Each presentation will engage the audience to participate and create solutions together.
Community Organizing
Community organizing is a process where people who live in proximity to each other come together to act with shared self-interest to solve a problem. Janice Bates facilitates solutions to infectious disease issues with community health leaders. People listen and share their concerns with community organizing. Research is completed to analyze and decide on actions. Relationships are developed; then action is taken with accountability and evaluation includes reflection on outcomes.