About Janice Bates

Janice Bates is a career public health nurse and community organizer. She is a global citizen who wants to make a difference in people’s lives. As a nurse Janice has a unique ability to immerse herself into different cultures while helping people and capturing authentic experiences. Janice has developed dynamic nursing programs in both California and Alaska. Art speaks to Janice and has always been included in her program planning.

Featured Video – The Big Dance With Measles

The same creativity is seen with a YouTube film, “The Big Dance with Measles,” inspired by Janice utilizing an artist to graphically record a measles briefing presented in February 2015. Janice developed a film with a story of the measles outbreak that has spread to 13 counties in California, other states, Mexico, Canada and the District of Columbia. California is currently experiencing a large outbreak of measles that started at Disneyland in December 2014, in Orange County, California.

While in Alaska Janice applied to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of Alaska for a grant to contract with an artist to work with students to paint a community mural. Eight students learned the history of murals, about asthma and its triggers and how asthma is treated. Two Olympic athletes with asthma were featured in the mural. It is a colorful contribution to public art in Anchorage, Alaska.

Even when studying nursing in college, Janice was creative. One of her early projects was a film of students with disabilities swimming in a neighborhood pool.

Janice is an innovative nurse who inspires people to work with her. She has a tremendous ability to identify the talents of others and motivates them to work together to create safe and effective programs for children.

Art speaks! Janice wants the world to know!

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